Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Cleaning

I never leave for the lake without my trusty anti-emetic sunflower seeds!

Bella's first trip to the cabin. She thinks she'd like to come back again soon! :)
Cleaned and tidied.
How the boys helped out. A viewing of What About Bob. Becoming a tradition.
Another tradition? "Sonic Sundays." (Except this time we stopped by on a Saturday-so I guess that would make it a "Sonic Saturday"-lol).

Had a very productive weekend. Got the lake cabin cleaned out of old junk and non-used items. Took a UHaul full of items down including our old queen mattress and a (new to us) used headboard, items to stock the pantry, linens and more. We brought home a load full of garbage and a full mattress box spring and pad with old metal bed frame. After a quick call to a friend, we quickly found a home for the bed and mattress.

Mick and Ian got the lawn spruced up while I worked on laundry and indoor cleaning. Still trying to make a huge chunk in the "everything room" in terms of decluttering. Came across this website today and plan to use it to help me declutter. Basic common sense stuff, but I need the not so gentle reminder sometimes of what I truly need and what is truly not "adding" harmony to my life.

So, heres to spring and happy decluttering!

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