Monday, February 14, 2011

The Joy in Loving

Last night I came home to a house stirring with a "Secret Project." I was instructed not to go into the "Everything Room" (also known as the classroom, the computer room, the guest bedroom, my scrapbook room-hence the name). Since,  I had just completed 6 tennis matches over the course of the weekend, three of which went to tiebreakers, I was perfectly content to shower up and rest my weary bod on the couch. Yes, that's right, I couch potatoed it. And it felt...good!
I am looking forward to finding out what this so called "Secret Project" is. I have a feeling it has something to do with love, 3 Blue-Eyed Boyz and a lot of joy.

Here's hoping you find a little love and a lot of J.O.Y. in your day! Happy Valentine's Day.
Thanks for stopping by...
Suz :)

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